Our History

ASAI Mission

 We are dedicated to ensuring the preservation, extension, and dissemination of  excellence and effective science-based intervention services for individuals with autism.  Our goal is to standardize, document, and extend the process of implementation of the systems originally proposed by McClannahan and Krantz to ensure the long-term fidelity of the model.

The Alliance for Scientific Autism Intervention (ASAI) was founded in 2017 by several leaders of organizations that operate from scientifically validated systems (cf. McClannahan & Krantz, 1993) to provide effective autism intervention services to those in need.

The leaders of ASAI have worked closely together for over 20 years implementing these systems and have collectively enhanced those system variables to better define effective autism intervention strategies and program administration systems.

These systems have repeatedly proven effective across programs for children, adolescents, and adults with autism -- both nationally and internationally.